December was a budgeting free-for-all at the H/D household. We traveled, we ate, we drank, we gifted, and purchased.
So when January rolled around we decided to go on a spending freeze. *insert scratching record here*
We did not go out to eat and only bought the bare essentials, meaning there were no TJ Maxx trips for me : (
Well it's February and we're buying a house.... so the responsible thing to do it to hold off on the TJ Maxx and Pandora but I waaannttt it! bad.
There is nothing that I need. I have all of my needs met.
I just want to shop and buy. It's soothing for me. I like the act of browsing....but browsing leads to buying because it's "such a good deal!" and buying leads to immaturely wasting money on things you don't need.
Luckily D thinks my TJ Maxx angst is cute.