Sunday, September 26, 2010

What's a girl to do!?

D left this morning to travel for business...actually he'll be chillin' (haha) with K and baby A and P in Alaska...get it...chillin' ALASKA? : )

He left this morning and I already miss him. It's lonely being a homemaker all by yourself!! Luckily I already have a sub job lined up at my favorite school this week but I'll still need to keep myself busy.

Here's the plan:

Tonight I have a class chat at 8:30pm. Wanna know the BEST thing about online classes? You can drink and participate in class! I will most definitely be chatting with a glass of Riesling tonight...makes for better conversation.

Also, tonight is tv heaven! Desperate Housewives (I'm starting to think I fall into this category. ha!), Brothers and Sisters, Madmen, AND Sister Wives.*swoon* I am super interested in TLC's new show Sister Wives. Polygamy is a weak spot for me. I find the lifestyle is so so interesting. Plus ya'll know about my deep love for Big Love. This is gonna be real life Big Love!

For the rest of the week-

I am sucked into the Hunger Games series. My little sister E, or L for short, gave me the book after she read it for school. I read it in one sitting. Then bought the second book. Now I'm on to the third and final book in the series.

I plan on watching Letter's to Juliet...don't think my darling husband would want to participate in the viewing of this movie.

I plan to bake some homemade, from scratch, yes martha, goodies. :)

I'll be going to the farmer's market.

Enjoying the newly crisp fall air but cleaning out the garage and subsequent outdoor chores.

Can you tell I don't like being home alone? I like to keep myself busy, busy, busy.

Feel free to call and add to my schedule.

Friday, September 24, 2010

To Kindle or Not to Kindle?

I love to read.

I find nothing more relaxing that snuggling up with a good book and devouring the pages. When it's a particularly good book, something very Harry Potter or even better Twilight, poor D gets a bit neglected while I read.

Anywho, reading is a ritual for me and I don't think I could ever enjoy a reading from a Kindle. There is something special about holding a well loved book, thumbing through pages, and laying it down opened to save a spot.

I don't think I would get the same satisfaction from a Kindle. Plus, wouldn't you get eye strain from staring at the screen?



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just a bit of FALL!!! decor....

Even though it's 90 degrees outside, it. is. still. technically. fall! So at the H/D household we're (I'm) celebrating with fall decor. : )
Our entryway/table
On the right is a pumpkin picture frame, minus a picture, guess I'll need to fix that!

Door from the kitchen to the garage.
Let me tell you, I LOVE how this turned out. I bought that "Blessings" sign last year and hung it on the door...well it's metal...and it really scrapped up the door = unhappy D. In a moment of sheer genius (thank you very much), I decided to tie it to this wreath with burlap and I loooove how it turned out.
Half bathroom sinkKitchen table centerpiece.
I have had my eye on this hurricane base and candle holder from Walmart for about 3 months. It's so versatile and I completely fixated on how much I wanted it. cost about 30 bucks...and I was not going to spend 30 bucks at Walmart for a centerpiece. So I bid my time, waiting, lusting, lurking at Walmart until it went on sale for $7!! Then I snatched that puppy up and plopped it on my kitchen table with some pumpkins, leaves, acorns, and pinecones.

K that's just a sneak peek!
This afternoon I am planting some massive mums in my front porch planters, which I'll show you all soon.
Happy Fall!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

weddings, and trips, and teeth oh my!

Over Labor Day weekend D and I had the pleasure of attending H2D2's wedding! : ) It was a beautiful ceremony and a F U N reception...complete with a photo booth!

This is the Findlay gang with the bride...don't know where the groom was!?

After the wedding D and I traveled to Traverse City to spend the rest of the weekend. Let me tell you, I loove Traverse City. The minute our car rolls into town I instantly relax and am in vacation mode.
Our first stop? Black Star Farm's winery.
Cheers! I'm on vacation!
Next we drove up the pennisula to Old Mission Lighthouse. The next morning, after a delicious breakfast of stuffed hashbrowns we drove to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park...where we decided to hike. in. jeans. in. the. rain.

I couldn't resist a quick monogram in the sand...After the rain passed we changed into dry clothes and drove to the dune climb. Last year we basically took this exact same picture in the same place...perhaps it will/is becoming tradition.

love, love, loved Traverse City! We plan to try to visit again in October for the lafe fall foliage.

This past week flew by quickly. D and I finally got a break? on Friday when D had his wisdom teeth removed. He was such a trooper and a good patient. He surgery literally took 5 minutes. Not joking. When they called me back to the recovery area, I was alarmed and thought something had gone wrong because they called me back so quickly. Nope. D was sitting up chatting with the nurse like nothing had happened. He did make a few loopy comments about making important engineering decisions in his current state, but over all he was great. He came on and rested for the rest of the day. I am so thankful he's recovering well!

Now you are all caught up and I can start blogging about my new fabulous fall decorations! :)


Thursday, September 2, 2010

If you were born today...

Your birthday would be 9-02-10

as in 90210

just sayin... : )

D and I are about to go broke...

...because of the excessive amount of printer ink I have been using!!!

This past week I decided to complicate my life even further and begin a full course-load of Graduate level classes.

ha ha ha

I thought I'd "make my life easier" by taking online classes.

ha ha ha

While it IS easier to work from home and not attend traditional classes, the amount of printing, downloading, chatting, e-mailing, etc. is excruciating. I'm going to need a blackberry (hint hint, dear husband) and several ink cartridges just to keep up!

On the bright side...I started reading one of my textbooks know for an assignment due tomorrow...and am finding that I so love the topic. My BA is in Early Childhood Education and this M.ED will not only certify me (early!!) to be an Early Childhood Intervention Specialist but will meet the state of Ohio's requirement for a Masters and hopefully open some job opportunities in a field I love.

Me and little little kids? We work well together. Don't ask me how or why I have the patience for them, but I do. Me and little kids with special needs? We work even better together. Again, I can't explain it. : )

In the mean time, I am off to finish my homework and buy some ink cartridges.
