Our entryway/table
On the right is a pumpkin picture frame, minus a picture, guess I'll need to fix that!
Door from the kitchen to the garage.
Let me tell you, I LOVE how this turned out. I bought that "Blessings" sign last year and hung it on the door...well it's metal...and it really scrapped up the door = unhappy D. In a moment of sheer genius (thank you very much), I decided to tie it to this wreath with burlap and I loooove how it turned out.
I have had my eye on this hurricane base and candle holder from Walmart for about 3 months. It's so versatile and I completely fixated on how much I wanted it. Well...it cost about 30 bucks...and I was not going to spend 30 bucks at Walmart for a centerpiece. So I bid my time, waiting, lusting, lurking at Walmart until it went on sale for $7!! Then I snatched that puppy up and plopped it on my kitchen table with some pumpkins, leaves, acorns, and pinecones.
1 comment:
Look Great! Fall is the best.
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