Friday, June 24, 2011

Dear Readers,

I have been trying to blog all week, for reals, but when I try to upload pictures from my new (and crazy awesome) camera it makes the Halley Daily website's a problem. Be patient.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

So...I uploaded these pictures wrong, therefore instead of showing before and after pictures you are going to see after and then before pictures. oops! Please roll with it my friends.

D and I have a four bedroom home and zero babies, which leaves us with three empty bedrooms. Because we live two hours away from our families, when we have visitors we typically have quite a few at a time. A few weeks ago D and I decided to purchase beds and create a second guest room in our home. While D was out of town, my sweet mom came and painted, sewed, and decorated.

This is the result.
Mom and I covered old cork board to make suedo-headboards.

Painting...promise I helped too

....with the wine! ; )


I love, love, love it!

The new room is calm, airy, and comfortable.

Thanks mom for all your talents and labor!


Friday, June 17, 2011

did you notice those pictures in the last post?

I took them on THIS!! * squeal* D and I took the plunge and bought a fancy camera.

With the help of H2D2 and some fellow friends with fancy pants cameras we finally settled on selecting and purchasing a new camera....and....I stinking love it.

I am so so not one of those people who always carry a camera but now? heck yes! It's been a little over a week and I've taken 500 pictures so far. ha! yay!

*insert happy dance*

Thank you D!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

marshmallow pops

This past weekend my mom, sisters, and I made 150 marshmallow pops for my sister-in-law and brother-in-law's highschool and college following me? : ) These "pops" are so stinking cute and cheap! So I thought I'd give you all a little tutorial as to how they are made.

1. Marshmallow and lollipop stick (these can be found at craft stores)

2. Put them together3. Dip in CandyMelts or chocolate. I used blue, red, and dark chocolate melts.

4. Coat with sprinkles

5. ta da!

6. To keep fresh, cover with lollipop baggie and tie with ribbon

.....we made ALOT Of these "pops"!

I placed our "pops" in a pot, added some crinkle paper, and a ribbon = adorable edible centerpieces


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

an oldie but a goodie

I had this printed and framed for our master bathroom, I think it's a great sentiment to reflect upon while getting ready for the day or hunting in the mirror for gray hairs...which I've got by the way ; )

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness

For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people

For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry

For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day

For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone

-Audrey Hepburn

Monday, June 6, 2011

the bugs of summer & my new door!

We had a great, productive weekend.

Friday night we went to Menards to purchase supplies for the installation of the new patio door. I personally love Menards and always find some sort of a treasure while I'm there. During this trip I picked up a $30 Taste of Home cookbook for $2. : ) After shopping we met up with some friends to visit and "pregame" before a town festival. D and I had homework and housework to do, so we didn't go to the festival, instead we picked up sushi (yum) and headed home to get down to business.

Saturday morning we were up bright and early. The weatherman predicted a blazing 90 degree day so we wanted to get to work early to avoid the heat. A trip to the dump, cinnamon roles, and dear, generous friends arrival meant we were ready to go! This is what the process looked like...

Window treatments to come soon! Saturday evening we had s'mores and (much needed) cocktails with our neighbors around the firepit. Holy Moly! Did the mosquitoes looove me! I am covered. Anyone got a good remedy for bug bites? These suckers are literally keeping me up at night.

Sunday was a day of rest and relaxation. We picked up the house, ate, and caught up on tv until...D's uncle and cousin arrived to fish! D, his uncle, and cousin ate dinner and then headed out to the reservoir to fish. Based on the empty cooler...I'd say they had a nice time ; )

We had a great weekend. This week holds projects and decorating and another fun upcoming weekend.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


This post has nothing to do with bug, ha! Today is June 1st and I am inspired by summer.

The past few days have been smotheringly hot. Ceiling fans have been running non-stop, the people at McDonalds know my drink order, and lazy evenings of movies with the windows open are in order. Thankfully today is breezy and comfortable.

A few summer inspired favorites:

Martha Stewart Everyday Food summer edition.

Martha offers tips and tricks and recipes for cooking seasonally.


Sparkly Flip Flops

Speedway trips for $1 frozen Cokes & icees

Summer makes me feel nostalgic and I want to soak it all in.
