um, a few nights ago THIS ran across my living room floor.

In case you can't quite make out that beastly creature in the is a mouse. Oh my gosh.
In my tidy, clean (professionally cleaned I might add), clutter free, beautifully decorated apartment there was a mouse. A brave mouse. That flaunted himself by running in front of my tv.
I have never screamed, make it, squealed so loud in my life. D came running from the back bedroom where he had shut himself in to watch Bill O'reilly. Do you have any clue what it takes to make my husband respond in a quick fashion when he's watching Bill? a lot. Plus, do you have any idea what it takes for my husband to take me seriously when I scream while I am also watching tv? It's kinda like crying wolf.
I tend to have big, loud reactions to mundane tv shows and announcements. For instance when Josh and Anna Duggar announced they were pregnant on 18 Kids and Counting (I am obsessed with the Duggars by the way, that is a totally another post. Just you wait) I screamed and maybe peed my pants a little. What can I say I am easily excitable.
Anyway, D came to my rescue. He chased down and trapped the mouse and took it far far away from my house. All while I squealed ridiculously like a 12 year old girl. It was honestly the only reaction I could have aside from jumping up and down while flaying my arms.
In the end the mouse was caught, the house was searched for possible points of entry, and the landlord was called.
Although I now sleep with one eye open.
Watch out mr. mouse.....
I'll never be able to look at you the same if you killed that cute, little mouse...
We didn't kill him!! We took him out in the field and let him go. Maggie!
Okay, as long as you took him out to the field alive....
See you this weekend!
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