Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I cannot stand to fold another handkerchief (yes you read that right, my dearest, darlingest, husband uses at least one handkerchief per day. sometimes more.) or to scrub the same spots on the stove, or to pick up the same shoes. I do this stuff every single day. grrr.
I'm losing my mind.
Thanks for letting me rant and rave.
Disclaimer: In no way is this blog entry a reflection of D's help around the house. He is very helpful and sometimes gets me ice cream.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
i love church festivals
10.) A year's worth of tithing in 2 days or less. I wish this wasn't true... haha...those Instant BINGO'S add up fast..
So check your local newspapers or church bulletins because it's that special time that only comes once a year when theres a festival every other weekend! yay! oh, and watch out for those BINGO's! enjoy.
Friday, June 26, 2009
hot, hot, hot!
1.) I will spend my morning making necessary phone calls, folding laundry, and tidying up.
2.) Dr. appt @ 10:45am
3.) Lunch with girlfriends afterwards...to celebrate my lack of Salmonella!!
4.) Picking out/up baby shower supplies for a shower next week
5.) Contemplating, what do you wear camping? Possibly purchasing some new camping appearal..
6.) Local parish festival tonight! I'll be there all night! I love a festival! (more of my love of ths catholic tradition tomorrow) Instant BINGO here I come! Watch out wallet! : )
Thursday, June 25, 2009
yay! yay! yay!
*enter the Halley-lujah chorus*
I am celebrating tonight. Maybe a margarita? champagne?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Honey, I'm Home!
Here's a quick-long run down of our trip:
After Millenium Park we headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner and Second
After we left Sears Tower, we walked along the river and stopped for a quick, authentic, Chicago hotdog. yum!
After lunch we set sails on Chicago's First Lady for a boat tour of the city. It was sizzling hot. D was kind enough to find me some sunscreen so I wouldn't fry for the next 90mins. (I still walked off the boat looking lobster-esque but the sunscreen helped). I very much enjoyed the tour. Seeing the city from the river was incredible and the teacher in me enjoyed the history.
Next it was nap/shower time. Then dinner at Cafe Ba Ba Reeba and Mary Poppins. Dinner was a unique experience. Cafe Ba Ba Reeba is a tapas restaurant, so each person orders 2-3 small appetizer-ish dishes and shares with the group. Man-o-man, do those tiny dishes fill you up! I left the restaurant stuffed. We walked off our dinner and headed to the show(in hopes I would not fall asleep from being too full. don't worry I didn't). I love love love live theater. Mary Poppins was upbeat and entertaining.
Sunday: Can you believe we have already fit so much into 2 days? Just wait....there's more! Sunday morning D and I woke up early and walked/half-asleep dragged ourselves to church. ; ) The service was nice and it felt good to be still and reflective for an hour. After church we packed up our room and checked out of the Hard Rock Hotel. We loaded up the car and headed out to the streets for one last whirl around the city.
We planned to head straight to Gino's pizza for lunch, but it was 11:20am and it was not open yet, so instead we played around in the shops along the Magnificent Mile. We certainly enjoyed the Hersey Store....
um....clearly it's lunch time....I'm done-zop.s. that's cranky me in front of the American Girl Store!!!
Here is my Gino in front of Gino's pizza. Lunch was tasty.
ok..that was seriously long. I hope you enjoyed our pictures. I know I did. Believe it or not I'm not a picture person, but H2 is and she insisted on taking pictures anywhere and everywhere, and I'm glad!! Thanks H2! : )
-H(1) haha
Saturday, June 20, 2009
24 hours in review
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
hey ma! look what i did!
What is a girl to do?
Obviously she should head to the local Dollar Store and start a craft project! And that's just what I did.
I called my friend and neighbor, R , and we were on our merry way. R and I are both teachers. Our craft project on this particular day could be described as 'practical desk bling.' ohh I've got you hooked now don't I? You wanna see more.... Well here you are:
Those are pens and markers wrapped in floral tape with silk flowers attached. I plan to set them on my desk to 'jazz' it up. Plus it's practical....who is gonna steal a pen with a giant flower on top of it? or better yet, what kid is going to 'borrow' his/her teacher's markers *which are off limits* when it is a giant flower on top of it? um....they are not.
Here is a picture of R's flower pens and pot:
I love how personalized they projects turned out! We each picked a ribbon , flowers, and painted wooden letters to match. Too cute!
Love it! Yay 'practical desk bling'! This was an easy, cheap (all from the dollar store), fun project. I highly recommend it.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
leaving on a....jetplane?... make that a car

So yesterday I ventured to AAA to pick up some travel materials. I am a total planner and needed walking maps, a tourbook, and a triptik. Now it's not like I have never been to Chicago before. I've been to the windy city at least 3x with my family and once with D. However, I plan to get the most out of this trip.
So far here's the plan:
*We are staying at the Hard Rock Hotel downtown
*Friday we are going to the Second City comedy show
*Saturday we are eating at Cafe Ba Ba Reeba and then seeing Mary Poppins at the Cadillac Palace Theater
Here are some other things I have on a master list of things to do:
*Visit the Sears Tower Skydeck
*Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier
*There is a jazz festival planned at Millenium Park this weekend
*A river/Lake Michigan boat tour-nice and touristy right? and educational!
*I have a list of all the diners that Guy Fieri has visited in Chicago on his show Diners, Drive-in's, and Dives -I plan on visiting at least one.
*D is very excited to eat pizza. Me too!
There you have it. It should be a great time. I have purchased waaay too many fun new clothes to wear (H2 has as well) and am getting everything in order to go. I am pumped.
Monday, June 15, 2009
hello monday
Anyway, my big exciting day consists of this:
folding mountains of laundry
cleaning the kitchen
maybe a bathroom
going to the hospital for a test
returning a dress
going to AAA
re-doing/planting a flower pot
i can't remember the rest.
Super exciting right? I am a bit stressed trying to get everything in order at home before I start work. I have been home with loads of free time for a year. I am used to my schedule. I am majorly excited about this new job, but curious how I am going to handle home stuff and work stuff. I tend to do everything in life with 120%. I am an over-over-achiever. Which means I want my house spic and span before I got back to work, tomorrow!?, and that I will spend a large amount of time organizing/decorating/buying crap/lesson planning for my classroom. oy!
Keep your fingers crossed for me! : )
Oh!! and on Friday D and I and D/H are going to Chicago! yay! so add that to my list of things to do this week!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
how i dealt with my booring saturday
I have done laundry. Cleaned the kitchen. Been to Walmart. Watched a movie.
I have prepared 3 double-batch dinners for next week.
That's right people. In one afternoon I have cleaned out my pantry and cooked 3 delicious healthy dinners for D and I next week. I made chicken salad, potato soup, and crockpot salsa chicken. I doubled the recipe for each dish and plan to freeze the second portions so in the weeks to come I won't have to cook dinner! hoooray!
Plus, next week (my first week of my new job) I won't have to think twice about what's for dinner and then come home and prepare it. It's a win, win.
Maybe I am warming up to the idea of a boring Saturday here or there....
Friday, June 12, 2009
boooring weekend, any suggestions?
Here's what we've got so far:
Friday- So far we have both just crashed. Napping. Dinner while watching tv.
Saturday- D need to fix his car. We have only had one drivable car since November. Now that I am starting a new job we need two. Keep your fingers crossed for him. I have terrible visions of the car falling off the jacks onto him. (Did I mention I'm a worry-wart?)
Sunday- Church
Now here's where YOU come in. Leave me a comment with things I could do to entertainment myself on my boring weekend. : )
...... did I mention I'm desperate?
count your pennies!!
into this
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Public Service Annoucement to Pregnant Ladies
I went to Babies R Us to buy baby gifts for a dear friend. Here's the problem: my dear friend only registered for practical baby things, not cute, cuddly, soft, baby things. boo!
**Please, pregnant friends, humor your friends and pick out sweet baby things for us to buy you. I promise to buy you binkies and diaper genie refills too! pinky swear!**
Oh, and Defiance is an awesome movie. See it.
Monday, June 8, 2009
reading material
Currently I am reading Escape by Carolyn Jessop.
"Seventeen years after being forced into a polygamous marriage, Jessop escaped from the cultlike Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints with her eight children. She recounts the horrid events that led her to break free from the oppressive world she knew and how she has managed to survive since escaping, despite threats and legal battles with her husband and the Church. "-Publisher's Weekly
I have a slight obsession with polygamists. I dunno, sharing a husband, rules against the color red, dozens of children, compound raids, scheduling....date night?....it baffels me. Of course I want to know more, especially since all of it is currently happening.
I am about half way through Escape. I have really enjoyed this book because it is modern and detailed. So far I would give it a rating of A+. I will let you know my thoughts after I complete the memior.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I haven't been sleeping very well, so I'm hoping some R & R will bring me back to life. : )
My session begins at 11am. I will be having an hour hot stone massage, followed by snack time, which precedes my spa style pedicure with parafin for my hands and feet. Oh happy day!
I am so blessed that my husband understands my need for spa visits, as I am so tightly wound that I very rarely relax on my own. He even knows who I am talking about when I mention Marcia (the massage therapist) whom I have previously mentioned here.
Now I'm off to do something very un-relaxing......time to exercise. boo. At least I have a reward waiting for me when I'm done!
Monday, June 1, 2009
rainy days and mondays...
D and I had a great weekend. Friday night we had a real live date night. We enjoyed buffalo chicken pizza (see below), went to Coldstone, and saw Angels and Demons.
Saturday we woke up early. I took D to the barn raising (whoa that was A LOT of work) and then I went to the mall (where I didn't buy anything....so that was a waste of gas). After malling, I took a nap and then went to help out at the barn party. I was really no help, but enjoyed being outside on a nice day and watching the boys hard at work. : ) We grilled out and then went home and straight to bed. D and his friends worked for 12 hours!!! They leveled the floor in the barn, resided one side, knocked down walls, and participated in numerous other home improvement type activities. Needless to say, he slept well Saturday night.
Sunday morning was church, then pizza, tidying up the house, and then our friends joined us for ANOTHER cook out. When D and I were visiting our parents over Memorial Day Weekend we picked up a few creature comforts from our hometown...mainly JTM hamburgers....a lot of them.... so we invited our friends over to help us eat them. A fun time has had by all. I especially want to thank Nurse H for bringing the Spartini-vodka, beer, and frozen lemonade. trust me it's good. : )
Later today I will fill you in on all the yummy dishes I plan to cook this week.
Hope your Monday morning is less rainy than mine!