Thursday, May 27, 2010

Landscaping H-style

I have had my landscaping plans for a few weeks now and they were downright burning a hole in my pocket. So on Saturday morning I woke up early and told D to find me a tiller because we were going to landscape. oh my! Little did we know....

Before: Apparently the previous owners had this professionally done. Here is the problem... there was NO rhyme or reason to the plant selection of placement. Symmetry? NO. Overgrown and awkward? YES.

The Solution: REMOVE. ALL. OF. IT. and I mean EVERYTHING.
Step 2: Re-use/plant the salvageable plants.... and of course add new pretty things!

Add mulch...Obviously things are a bit sparse right now. We are waiting on some new plants/bushes/trees to plant. Overall I am so pleased with how much cleaner the landscaping looks.

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