Friday: It's jeans day at work! : ) D and I are relaxing at home. Artichoke Pasta for dinner! yum! popsicles and a game or two of Uno and/or Dominoes
Saturday: It's gonna be an early morning! We need to take some things to the dump and do some yard work. In the evening we are going to our city's wine festival.
Sunday: Church and home.
This is the first weekend we have been home and had to ourselves in over a month. I am going to soak up every last bit of it.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
My air conditioning is out AGAIN.
It's too hot to breath.
I will be pursuing venues that have free AC. This includes : the movie theater, Walmart, my neighbors, and work. ha!
pray for my AC.
It's too hot to breath.
I will be pursuing venues that have free AC. This includes : the movie theater, Walmart, my neighbors, and work. ha!
pray for my AC.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I'm a winner!!!
This past Friday D and I headed over to our parish festival for a fun night of socializing, drinking, volunteering, and gambling....with our priests! : )
The church was packed and D and I quickly set out to have a good time. 1 hamburger, 1 hotdog, a beer, diet coke, and an order of fries later and we were set. The mediocre band was playing and we were having a good time.
For me a festival experience is not even close to fun without instant BINGO. I seriously live for these things. How great is it to buy one, hurry to pull off all the tabs, and have the instant gratification of winning (or losing). So I mosied over to the instant BINGO bucket and bought $10 worth of games....knowing that I would be back for more later in the evening....and wanting to pace myself....
I started pulling the tabs, nothing, nope no winner, nada. This really isn't uncommon or surprising. That's why I keep going back for more.
On my second to last game I start noticing these tiny red lines through the pictures. This has got to be a big deal. I just know it!! I start telling D and anyone who would listen that I was a winner. I look to my right and there is Fr. M laughing. I tell him I've won and he promptly tells me that if I have won he obviously had a part in blessing the game and deserves a cut (Don't worry Fr. your cut was in the envelope on Sunday! I promise).
So I start yelling and jumping. I won! I won!
Don't mind the general sweaty-ness of the picture it was H.O.T. and I was flushed from winning! ha!
D is not looking nearly as excited as fact...he doesn't believe me and asks to see my ticket. After checking it out he hands it back shaking his head. uh...D dearest ARE YOU BLIND?? That's a winner.
I was through with these na sayers and decided to collect my winnings.
I marched up to the guy selling the games and told him that I won. In one quick glance he confirmed!!! : ) my winnings and starting counting up money.
How much money? $103!!! ha!
Luckily H2 was there to capture the events on film. Thanks H2!
In that moment I immediately began making plans for how to spend my winnings. A stand mixer that I had been saving for, a new Vera Bradley, oh! how about a Pandora bead, or some cute overpriced flip flops from Lands End.
In the end my prize money went to pay for bridal shower /father's day gifts and a trip to Panera with K....BUT it was fun while it lasted!
The moral of this story? Always spend lots of D's money at parish festivals and sit next to your priest while opening Instant BINGO...someday it will pay off!
Monday, June 21, 2010
egg in a hole
mmm mm
There is nothing better than a hot breakfast after a long night of celebration or a morning of driving.
D and I made the 2.5 hour drive home this morning after a fun filled weekend. 4am wake up calls? uh...not so pleasant.
Once we got home I decided to play Suzy homemaker and make D breakfast before work. I grilled Sourdough bread (with butter! yum!), cut out a circle in the middle of the bread, and then cooked an egg in the hole (thus the name).
D was so surprised I made him breakfast (seeing as how this was a first during the work week....) and it was delicious.
I may have to do it again some time. : )
There is nothing better than a hot breakfast after a long night of celebration or a morning of driving.
D and I made the 2.5 hour drive home this morning after a fun filled weekend. 4am wake up calls? uh...not so pleasant.
Once we got home I decided to play Suzy homemaker and make D breakfast before work. I grilled Sourdough bread (with butter! yum!), cut out a circle in the middle of the bread, and then cooked an egg in the hole (thus the name).
D was so surprised I made him breakfast (seeing as how this was a first during the work week....) and it was delicious.
I may have to do it again some time. : )
Friday, June 18, 2010
big weekend!!
Today officially kicks off a great weekend!
Friday: My first day of work. eek! I'll be doing some CPR and First Aid training. No biggie, I am excited and a bit nervous though.
After work?.....
It's festival time!!! Oh I adore church festivals. The instant BINGO, funnel cakes, and (ha!) the kinda sorta mediocre band that is only fun because you've had a beer (or 6). D and I are both volunteering in the gambling tent this year. He'll be dealing cards at the Poker table and I am spinning the wheel on the Big 6. You all know how much I love the gambling tent.... Can you still play if your in charge?
Saturday: HERE COMES THE BRIDE!! D's cousin and my fake-almost-soon-to-be-cousin-in-law are getting married!! I think I am more happy about this than I was my own wedding day!! just kidding. I am beyond excited for them. I loove J, my fake-almost-soon-to-be-cousin-in-law, and N D's cousin is a great guy. It will be an awesome wedding.
Sunday: We are grilling out (steaks, yum!) with my family for Father's Day!
I hope your weekend is as fantastic as mine is going to be. : )
Friday: My first day of work. eek! I'll be doing some CPR and First Aid training. No biggie, I am excited and a bit nervous though.
After work?.....
It's festival time!!! Oh I adore church festivals. The instant BINGO, funnel cakes, and (ha!) the kinda sorta mediocre band that is only fun because you've had a beer (or 6). D and I are both volunteering in the gambling tent this year. He'll be dealing cards at the Poker table and I am spinning the wheel on the Big 6. You all know how much I love the gambling tent.... Can you still play if your in charge?
Saturday: HERE COMES THE BRIDE!! D's cousin and my fake-almost-soon-to-be-cousin-in-law are getting married!! I think I am more happy about this than I was my own wedding day!! just kidding. I am beyond excited for them. I loove J, my fake-almost-soon-to-be-cousin-in-law, and N D's cousin is a great guy. It will be an awesome wedding.
Sunday: We are grilling out (steaks, yum!) with my family for Father's Day!
I hope your weekend is as fantastic as mine is going to be. : )
Thursday, June 17, 2010
i gotta feeling ... by the black eyed peas
D rolls his eyes every time this song comes on. In his defense I am distinctly referring to the time when we were at a party on Main St in little ol' Northwest Ohio and the live band started playing this song. Who do they think they are!?
I was loovin' it!
I download this song today and added to my Lady Gaga, Glee, Ke$ha, and Madonna playlist. Who do I think I am!? ha! ha!
It's just so catchy.
My favorite part is when they say "MAZEL TOV" I love that part! I just keep making up my lyrics and saying "MAZEL TOV" over and over. Real cool. I know.
Now I am boppin' around, ironing clothes, and washing dishes to this song.
I hope the neighbors can't see into the windows....
I was loovin' it!
I download this song today and added to my Lady Gaga, Glee, Ke$ha, and Madonna playlist. Who do I think I am!? ha! ha!
It's just so catchy.
My favorite part is when they say "MAZEL TOV" I love that part! I just keep making up my lyrics and saying "MAZEL TOV" over and over. Real cool. I know.
Now I am boppin' around, ironing clothes, and washing dishes to this song.
I hope the neighbors can't see into the windows....
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
aruba, jamaica, oh I wanna take ya....
Today I was in serious need of a vacation.
I had a lot of my mind, my plate, and my agenda.
I so wanted to just "get away"
The solution?
It did the trick!! I feel much much better and relaxed.
p.s. Guess what happens on Friday? Our parish festival!!! Instant BINGO here. I. come. : )
I had a lot of my mind, my plate, and my agenda.
I so wanted to just "get away"
The solution?
I put on a dress that reminded me of a beach cover up and was a bit short (above the KNEE!! *gasp*)
I ran my errands with my sun-roof down
I let the wind blow my hair and pretended that there was a salty smell in the air
I went to Family Video and gave them my grad school report card for a free movie-a chick flick of course!
I read and relaxed in the sun
I bought a family sized box of ice cream and enjoyed a cone on the porch
I gave a cone to the neighbor boy who was peeking over the fence ha!
This evening I plan to have icy (adult) drinks before a dinner outside....
It did the trick!! I feel much much better and relaxed.
p.s. Guess what happens on Friday? Our parish festival!!! Instant BINGO here. I. come. : )
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
THIS is a big deal you all know who/what "Touchdown Jesus" is? It's a statue on I-75. Everyone in the
state of Ohio has seen it..and possibly snickered at it...and almost crashed as they craned their necks to get a better look while driving by...
If you haven't seen Touchdown Jesus...YOU ARE OUT OF LUCK. Last night the statue was struck my lightning and burnt to the ground!! Oh my gosh!! The only thing left of the 16,000 pound statue is the metal frame.

state of Ohio has seen it..and possibly snickered at it...and almost crashed as they craned their necks to get a better look while driving by...
*Warning...the follow picture is extremely disturbing*

I have no words.
Monday, June 14, 2010
gainfully employed
would not quite be the term I would use for my new job....but it's close! : )
2 weeks ago I saw an ad in the newspaper looking for a part-time preschool teacher at a reputable preschool program. Figuring that I had NO other job prospects (other than subbing) I decided to send my resume and see what happened.
I was nervous.
Luckily later that very week they called for an interview. !!!!
I interviewed and was offered the job on the spot. !!!!!
I feel so blessed. D and I have been living in Northwest Ohio since we graduated from college. We moved here because he has a great job. Me? nada, nill, nothing. I have done everything in my power to put myself out there, subbing, volunteering, straight up brown nosing and it's gotten me nowhere.
Here's the thing...I am good at what I do. I have a gift for working with children. You may think that is bragging but it's the truth and I know it is what I am supposed to be doing. So it's been discouraging to have no job prospects in my field.
Finally now I feel like I have accomplished something completely on my own. I found the ad, I sent the resume (without telling my husband! ha!), I schedule to interview, interviewed, and was offered the job.
I am beyond excited about this little 15-20 hour a week part-time job. I'll be teaching Kindergarten readiness to 5 year olds about to go to Kindergarten. My hours are from 3-6pm so they won't interfere with my frequent trips to Costco and lunches out. The preschool is offering me paid time off and they are super flexible about the days I already need off. There is room for me to grow and eventually teach a full day preschool class of my own.
I have left this job situation in God's hands and I truly feel like he hand picked this opportunity for me.
Consider this girl thankful.
2 weeks ago I saw an ad in the newspaper looking for a part-time preschool teacher at a reputable preschool program. Figuring that I had NO other job prospects (other than subbing) I decided to send my resume and see what happened.
I was nervous.
Luckily later that very week they called for an interview. !!!!
I interviewed and was offered the job on the spot. !!!!!
I feel so blessed. D and I have been living in Northwest Ohio since we graduated from college. We moved here because he has a great job. Me? nada, nill, nothing. I have done everything in my power to put myself out there, subbing, volunteering, straight up brown nosing and it's gotten me nowhere.
Here's the thing...I am good at what I do. I have a gift for working with children. You may think that is bragging but it's the truth and I know it is what I am supposed to be doing. So it's been discouraging to have no job prospects in my field.
Finally now I feel like I have accomplished something completely on my own. I found the ad, I sent the resume (without telling my husband! ha!), I schedule to interview, interviewed, and was offered the job.
I am beyond excited about this little 15-20 hour a week part-time job. I'll be teaching Kindergarten readiness to 5 year olds about to go to Kindergarten. My hours are from 3-6pm so they won't interfere with my frequent trips to Costco and lunches out. The preschool is offering me paid time off and they are super flexible about the days I already need off. There is room for me to grow and eventually teach a full day preschool class of my own.
I have left this job situation in God's hands and I truly feel like he hand picked this opportunity for me.
Consider this girl thankful.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
love love love
Thank you Canada!!
Tonight I fell in love with Sarah Richardson, a designer from Canada who has recently been featured on HGTV. So in love that I spent the past 4 hours catching up on all of her past tv shows which previously only aired in Canada.
The woman buys dilapidated, ugly old houses with potential and then fixes them up. I guess you could call her a flipper but truly she is no such thing. Yes, she flips the house, typically on a budget. However.... she has for real style and isn't scrimping or cutting corners (i.e. building codes and permits are her first priority).
I am so loving this season of Sarah's House because she bought and old farm house!! I am not a farmer type girl but I so love the style in other people's homes. It's classic and neat and a teensy bit preppy. She is redoing this farm house with a modern edge that I adore.
Plus Sarah and her sidekick Tommy are F U N N Y.
Unfortunately episodes of Sarah's House are set to run at 8:30pm on Saturdays on HGTV. Looks like I have a LOT of dvr-ing to catch up on.
While D's away....
H will sleep in, eat an entire pint of gorgeous raspberries, watch Young Victoria (which was great!!), and hit up Target.
Poor D is away at a bachelor party. Why poor D? Because the boys were going to golf and it's pouring rain. I'm sure they'll come up with some kind of way to drown their sorrows. ha!!
Poor D is away at a bachelor party. Why poor D? Because the boys were going to golf and it's pouring rain. I'm sure they'll come up with some kind of way to drown their sorrows. ha!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
it's not you, it's me.
Dear piles of laundry,
We need to talk.
This relationship is not working for me.
I know you think everything is fine and dandy because you are always around and we spend so much time together but I want out.
It's not you. It's me.
We can still be friends right?
We need to talk.
This relationship is not working for me.
I know you think everything is fine and dandy because you are always around and we spend so much time together but I want out.
It's not you. It's me.
We can still be friends right?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
cold as ice
It is as cold as ice in my house today. HALL(EY)UJAH!
Friends, you have no idea how much D and I have been suffering over the past two weeks. Our air conditioner has been....gulp...broken. I am so not a roughing, it's ok to be uncomfortable, type of girl. I love AC.
Sweat? in my house? ha ha ha
No, no, we should be comfortable in our homes not sweating!!
Well D and I have been sweating. We've had our windows opened (actually we've waved to the neighbors right out our open bedroom window ha), fans ablowin', and lots of popsicles.
After a very ugly hissy fit from me, I just couldn't take it anymore, our air conditioning is back in business. I have never been so happy to freeze.
If you are coming to my house anytime in the near future bring a sweater because this girl is going to be enjoying her AC.
Friends, you have no idea how much D and I have been suffering over the past two weeks. Our air conditioner has been....gulp...broken. I am so not a roughing, it's ok to be uncomfortable, type of girl. I love AC.
Sweat? in my house? ha ha ha
No, no, we should be comfortable in our homes not sweating!!
Well D and I have been sweating. We've had our windows opened (actually we've waved to the neighbors right out our open bedroom window ha), fans ablowin', and lots of popsicles.
After a very ugly hissy fit from me, I just couldn't take it anymore, our air conditioning is back in business. I have never been so happy to freeze.
If you are coming to my house anytime in the near future bring a sweater because this girl is going to be enjoying her AC.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
smutty smut smut
Our dear friends A/R and now baby S regularly have a truckload of smut delivered to their house.
What is smut? Gossip magazines of course!
A/R receive a steady stream of smut on a weekly basis. At least five magazines a week.....for free....and they have no idea where the magazines come from. You see, A/R have never subscribed to these smut mags nor do they pay for them and when they moved and changed addresses the magazines followed.
I have a secret love of smut. I don't typically pay for these magazines but when given the opportunity I happily indulge. Doctors' offices are notorious for smut. It sure makes waiting to be poked and prodded worth it when you can catch up on the latest gossip. A quick update on the Octomom, the size of Carrie Underwood's engagement ring, who wore what on the red carpet, and Jon & Kate plus 8 makes me smile.
.....and tonight I got the super secret invitation to A/R's smut mecca.....
Last week D and I had a home phone line installed (we decided it was time to be real grown ups). Well tonight I was meandering around the house when the phone rang. It was a private number. Because I am easily excitable and the home phone is currently super exciting to me, I quickly jumped to answer. On the line was a telemarketer, congratulating me for winning a sweepstakes.
Me: uh....can I ask how you got this number?
Telemarketer: Ma'am, we are a third party who buys phone numbers from telephone companies.
Me: We've only had this phone line for a week.
Telemarketer: Actually we get first dibs of the new phone numbers : )
Me: ok?
Telemarketer: The good news is that you have been "selected" to receive 5 FREE magazine subscriptions from our popular vendors including..... smut mag 1, smut mag 2, smut mag 3, smut mag 4, and smut mag 5. !!!!!
Me: !!!!!
I will admit it took me about 60 seconds to realize that there is no such thing as free smut magazines (except for A/R)
Me: You are telling me that I am going to receive 5 FREE magazine subscriptions? Without paying a thing? not. one. penny.?
Telemarketer: Yes, the magazine company only asks that you pay the nominal fee of $3.50 a week to ship the magazines.
Me: (while pouting big.time.) Do not send me any smut magazine. I am not willing to pay $3.50 per week.
boooo!!! !! !! !
No smut for Halley.
p.s. A/R also have a home phone which is how I made the connection that this is how they receive their smut. They must be on some list or slipped the through the cracks??
What is smut? Gossip magazines of course!
A/R receive a steady stream of smut on a weekly basis. At least five magazines a week.....for free....and they have no idea where the magazines come from. You see, A/R have never subscribed to these smut mags nor do they pay for them and when they moved and changed addresses the magazines followed.
I have a secret love of smut. I don't typically pay for these magazines but when given the opportunity I happily indulge. Doctors' offices are notorious for smut. It sure makes waiting to be poked and prodded worth it when you can catch up on the latest gossip. A quick update on the Octomom, the size of Carrie Underwood's engagement ring, who wore what on the red carpet, and Jon & Kate plus 8 makes me smile.
.....and tonight I got the super secret invitation to A/R's smut mecca.....
Last week D and I had a home phone line installed (we decided it was time to be real grown ups). Well tonight I was meandering around the house when the phone rang. It was a private number. Because I am easily excitable and the home phone is currently super exciting to me, I quickly jumped to answer. On the line was a telemarketer, congratulating me for winning a sweepstakes.
Me: uh....can I ask how you got this number?
Telemarketer: Ma'am, we are a third party who buys phone numbers from telephone companies.
Me: We've only had this phone line for a week.
Telemarketer: Actually we get first dibs of the new phone numbers : )
Me: ok?
Telemarketer: The good news is that you have been "selected" to receive 5 FREE magazine subscriptions from our popular vendors including..... smut mag 1, smut mag 2, smut mag 3, smut mag 4, and smut mag 5. !!!!!
Me: !!!!!
I will admit it took me about 60 seconds to realize that there is no such thing as free smut magazines (except for A/R)
Me: You are telling me that I am going to receive 5 FREE magazine subscriptions? Without paying a thing? not. one. penny.?
Telemarketer: Yes, the magazine company only asks that you pay the nominal fee of $3.50 a week to ship the magazines.
Me: (while pouting big.time.) Do not send me any smut magazine. I am not willing to pay $3.50 per week.
boooo!!! !! !! !
No smut for Halley.
p.s. A/R also have a home phone which is how I made the connection that this is how they receive their smut. They must be on some list or slipped the through the cracks??
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