ha! That's a little ditty that I say to my preschoolers daily. ; ) It also applies to my lack of blogging!
This past weekend D and I packed up the kitchen sink, I mean, car! and headed to Lake Hope State Park for the D family reunion. As usual it was great to see everyone and the beer was flowin'. There were quite a few activities planned for the weekend: hiking, card playing, eating, canoing. cornhole playing, drinking, chatting, and ziplining.
I agreed to zipline about 6 months ago. Oh! How fun! YES! I'd looove to go. Do you all know what ziplining entails?? HANGING FROM A 1/2 INCH ROPE 80 FEET ABOVE SHARP POINTY ROCKS AND ANIMALS! Needless to say, as the date approached I became more apprehensive.
Every time I thought about ziplining my heart would race and my stomach would sink. I was terrified.
Here's the thing. D's family is competitive. These people will sit around for hours comparing toes to see who has the longest, they will get out a scale and compare weights, they have even been known to compete to see who has the lowest or highest blood pressure. hard core, I know. D and his cousins could entertain themselves for hours competing...at anything....and they won't let you live it down....e v e r.
Knowing them and their competitive ways I knew I couldn't back out. I tried. All morning on Friday I cried and gnashed my teeth. I moped around. I couldn't eat or drink. I declared that I was backing out. In no uncertain way was I going to jump off a platform attached to a 1/2 inch rope.
D was supportive...or terrified. He had never seen me so distraught.
At the last minute I caved and agreed to zipline. Being the frugal person that I am I could not possibly let the $75 I prepaid go to waste.
On the way there I sweated through my clothes.
When it was our turn to zip I got picked to go first. fabulous. Thanks hippie zipline instructors!
D laughed. alot.
I screamed. alot.
Ziplining was not nearly as terrifying as I imagined. You are indeed hooked to a 1/2 inch rope 80 feet above sharp pointy rocks and animals but it's a smooth, moderately paced, surreal ride through the trees.
I actually enjoyed myself while screaming through the air and conquering my fear. Everyone else enjoyed my hysterical show. ha ha!
1 comment:
Hahaha. I'm glad you did it. You're a wussy sometimes you know. And I know that "you get what you get" comment was direct at yours truly, and I will throw a fit if I want.
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