Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This happened to me today, or last night. I was ijacked. We'll consult urban dictionary for those of you that aren't "in the know."

Someone stole your Ipod
" I left my ipod laying around and it was ijacked!"
Me? I left my ipod in my car. in. my. driveway. and some lovely fool opened my car door in. my. driveway. ruffled through the console and took the ipod from my car. in. my. driveway. and some change.
The same fool left my Garmin (praise God, xoxo love you Garmin!) but stole quarters and dimes?
Anyway I called the police to file a report, only to learn I was not the only homeowner to have items stolen from their cars in. their. driveways. last night. The sheriff told me that he's had deputies out and about filing at least 6 reports this morning!
Thankfully nothing else was stolen and the car was not damaged. However I feel like my bubble has been popped regarding safety and security in my neighborhood. Someone just walked up my driveway and stole from my car 25 feet from my bedroom?! Makes me feel sick to my stomach.

I'll be locking everything up tight tonight...and our plan to clean out the garage will be pushed up from Saturday so I can put away the car.



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