Wednesday, January 26, 2011

bread crumbs

Have you ever noticed that God plants people, events, or flat out obvious clues that you are on the right (or wrong!) path in life?

The past week and a half has been really rough for me, I've been battling night and day headaches, trying to keep up with grad school work, planning decorations for a baby shower, and taking care of the house.

Generally, I've felt deflated and discouraged.

Thankfully God has been leaving "bread crumbs" along the way to let me know I'm doing the right thing and to keep pursuing.

A phone call at the just right, perfect time.

A card in the mail.

Compliments or comments from a stranger.

Delivery of a book from Amazon to remind me of my goals.

Unsolicited encouragement from a friend.


....and at times a general sense of peace

I am a firm believer of "bread crumbs" or whispers in our lives, we just need to keep our eyes peeled for them and accept them without doubt.

Any "bread crumbs" in your life lately?


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