Around 10:30am D says, "We're going out. I'm wearing church should you." hmmm... D is an awesome husband, but surprise trips or overly romantic gestures are not a daily occurrence, so I had no clue what to expect.
By 12pm, I had showered, dressed, packed a back-up outfit, returned our rented movies from the previous night, and D and I were off.
It is at this point he informs me that we are going to the Toledo Art Museum. yay! I love going to art museums, it's just a good wholesome activity (and the teacher in me LOVES the educational aspects).
We arrive at the art museum and get right to it. Here's the thing....I love museums, but I don't like to meander s l o w l y through each exhibit and reading every single word about every single piece of art. I enjoy observing, skimming information to see if it's really worth reading every single word, and moving on to something new. D on the other hand enjoys reading every single bit of information about every single exhibit. Do you see where this could be a problem?
Luckily for us, we know the about each other's museum tendencies. Therefore we were both able to check out the museum at our own three exhibits in front of D, circling back to find him, and then re-examining the same exhibits. The great thing about this pattern is that I actually learn during my time at the museum and D is happy because I am actually present and not leaving him in the dust. : )
Marriage is all about compromise right?
After the museum we went to a lovely restaurant called, Georgio's Cafe International. *edit* After the museum we actually went to a local McDonalds, where I proceded to change into my 'backup outfit' in the bathroom while attempting not to touch the floor, walls, or any possible surface. This required great skill. All the while D was in the car praying I wouldn't get shot up' while changing in the Mc Donalds bathroon. THEN we went to the restaurant. D actually called ahead and made reservations. I am so so proud. Wow!
We had a great, romantic dinner. Am I a lucky girl or what?
I love my husband.
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