Quick, name that song! : ) Just a little ga ga for your Monday reading pleasure.

The day we visited, Seward was clear and cool. Our very first stop was Exit Glacier. I had read (and K had told me) that you can hike to the edge of the glacier. This thrilled me. So even though we only had about an hour and a half before our cruise, we decided to see the glacier.

D wore the camera tourist style while we hiked, so most of the pictures are of me...trailing behind him. ha! I did steal it a few times to snap some shots of him. This is one.

remember that trailing behind part...

Because we're from Ohio and naive, we forgot our bear spray for this little hike. Therefore the entire time we were out, alone, in the wilderness I was singing "
I'm on the edge of glac-iers" to keep the bears away. Look how pretty.


Right before we left, H2 showed me how to set the timer on my camera, so here the camera is sitting
haphazardly on a rock so we could get a picture together.

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