We decided to take a "rest" Day 2 and visit a smaller East Coast city....Atlantic City. I was totally pumped because I have never been to a casino before and as you all know I
adore instant BINGO, so to me, a casino is another form of
instant gratification. : ) ha ha ha
We start Day 2 with D documenting the previous week's 26 inch snowfall.

After that we loaded into the car and were off to the Tropicana Casino in Atlantic City. In order to fulfill D's goal of eating everything in sight and gaining 10 lbs we had lunch at a Cuban restaurant. It was delicious. Here is D and my uncle in front of a car which was in front of the restaurant. Why? I dunno.

It was 11:30am but when in Cuba....drink like the Cubans....so I had a
mojito...so good...but so so strong...clearly the perfect recipe for later gambling!

Our delicious lunch: Beef, Chicken, and Pork
Empanadas with Salad and Guacamole with Fried
Plantans. mm!

Here is D in front of the pretty casino Christmas tree. Look at the ceiling. Isn't it cool?

Ok, so D gives me $20 to gamble with... In this picture I am smiling and holding up my ticket because I am "up" $.50....welll...that did not last long. Soon my $20 was gone and the gambling bug had bit. uh oh!

We left the Tropicana and headed over to Caesar's. D gave me another $2o. So here I am with my second $20. Wish me luck!

Well the second #20 went down the drain just like the first $20, at which point D is laughing at my disappointment, so I challenge him to do better.

Here is a picture of me dumbfounded at D because he took $5 and turned it into $100!!! What the heck!! He has to be the luckiest guy EVER!! D quickly cashed out....ignoring my vain requests for him to "just try one more time!"

On the very top floor of
Caesar's Palace is an indoor beachfront, complete with sand (that will be in my black shoes from here to eternity) and beach chairs.
I was so amazed to see snow on the beach.

D's big win was a great way to end our day at the casino's. So we packed up and headed home. THEN SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENED......
I discovered scratch off cards at the gas station.
It's just as fun as instant BINGO because you know right away if you've won anything
and you don't have to wait for church festivals. It's like a church festival all year round! I kept asking D, "Do we have these in Ohio? Really? Why didn't you tell me!? This is fun!"

I won $4, so we had to venture out of my aunt and uncle's nice warm house to a
gas station to redeem my prize....at 11:30pm
ha ha ha
D says I am not aloud to play scratch off cards in Ohio. Only in New Jersey.
but it's soo fun!
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