Prior to my wedding I spent a year not cutting my hair. I was growing it out so I'd have options and curls on my big day. After my wedding I chopped my hair off. About 6 inches. It was a drastic change and I got great feedback from my new husband and friends about my new look. : )
Well. I had fun with my sassy new do....but then I realized that I was missing something very important and vital to my style. The ponytail.
Ponytails are perfect for Saturday mornings, lazy school days, and perky afternoons. I missed the pony.
I am proud to report that I have grown my hair out so that it is just long enough to make a baby ponytail. It's like the world's tiniest, most pathetic pony, but I am super proud. ha ha
As a tribute to my dinky new ponytail I am going to show you the many perky, elegant, and sometime tacky ways you can wear a ponytail.....enjoy!
A normal ponytail

A high ponytail.
A high ponytail.
A ponytail that actually looks like the tail of a horse.....
An updated side-pony.
An outdated side-pony.

A good......

The bad AND the ugly....all in one....
Happy Monday!
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