Wednesday, August 25, 2010

sick and twisted

What I am about to write is wrong it's just wrong.

Tasks that give me instant gratification:

1. Paying bills- What!? I know, I know... for me, it's like a ritualistic to-do list. I get the list of bills that need to be paid, grab my darling D/H return address labels (these just make me smile), the checkbook, my Vera Bradley pen, and stamps. Do I enjoy overpaying for basic services? Nope, but I feel a huge sense of accomplishment when the pile is gone and the mailbox is filled with neatly stacked envelopes. Like I said...sick and twisted.

2. Emptying the dishwasher- It takes 15 (tops) and then it's done-zo.

3. Taking the change jar to the bank- LOVE THIS!! My useless jar of castaway change becomes real money in the bank...(shorty what you think? ha ha ha)

4. Crafting on the cheap- I get so much joy out of turning something plain and cheap into something beautiful and expensive looking. My entire house is full of bargain projects that look expensive. I know it's prideful, but my heart swells when friends/family ask where I got something or assume it's name brand and expensive. going out/coming in and cleaning give me instant gratification...what does that say about me? : )

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