Monday, August 23, 2010

weekend recap

D and I had a long, fun-filled, and yet emotional weekend.

Friday evening we recieved news that D's brother...D3's best friend died in a swimming accident. Our hearts sunk. D3's best friend was truly considered a member of the family. He was welcomed and present for all holidays and celebrations. In fact, when we first watched the video of the our wedding recepetion we had to laugh because he is dancing all over the place! Our hearts go out to his family, my brother-in-law/family and his numerous friends. I pray that we can all find peace in this tragic situation.

After absorbing the sad news D and I attempted to lift our spirits by going to KF's house for a cookout. We enjoyed good food and company...and mosquitos!! My feet are once again polka dotted with bug bites.

Saturday morning brought, an always exciting, trip to the local landfill. D and I finally made some progress towards cleaning out our garage and getting rid of smelly garbage. : ) We spent the rest of the rainy day tidying up the house and preparing for company. Saturday night we had a BLAST with our friends.

Sunday we slept in. ahh! It was fabulous! After lunch we ventured out to find a new computer. Last week D spilled beer on the old computer and it wouldn't turn back on. We figured that we were about due for a new laptop as technology was changing and the old laptop was slowing down and not retaining a battery least that's what we told ourselves! We drove an hour to Perrysburg/Toledo where we shopped around and finally bought a new laptop, external hard drive, AN INSURANCE POLICY for the laptop, and software security.

After spending all the money we needed the Lord! ha ha

We found a parish in Toledo and attended Mass. Then went looking for dinner. I suggested that we try an Indian restuarant. Poor D, he always trys to appease me...we drove around for an hour before finding the resturant-which was delicious! Thankfully we have plenty of leftovers for lunch today. : )


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