Monday, August 16, 2010

Today is August 16th and I am so so ready for fall!

I hate to rush summer along..the fresh produce is nice..but this heat?! it's killing me.

I am done-zo.

I'm just not a big fan of summer to begin with. Who wants to show off their chubby arms and legs? NOT this girl! ha ha! I hate sweating, my AC has been out 3 times, and we have been so busy! D and I have literally been running around doing something, traveling somewhere since May. Seriously, on the rare Saturday mornings that I wake up in my own bed, I panic because I don't know where I am.

.....but fall? It's my season. pumpkins, crisp cool evenings, apples, carmel, carmel & apples, D and my annual pumpkin carving party (FYI it's Oct. 23 @ 4pm. and I've already ordered the most darling invitations!!!), chili, wreaths, sweaters, friends huttled around firepits, harvest themed decorations, trick or treaters, warm cider, I could go on and on.... I love fall.

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