This past Friday D and I headed over to our parish festival for a fun night of socializing, drinking, volunteering, and gambling....with our priests! : )
The church was packed and D and I quickly set out to have a good time. 1 hamburger, 1 hotdog, a beer, diet coke, and an order of fries later and we were set. The mediocre band was playing and we were having a good time.
For me a festival experience is not even close to fun without instant BINGO. I seriously live for these things. How great is it to buy one, hurry to pull off all the tabs, and have the instant gratification of winning (or losing). So I mosied over to the instant BINGO bucket and bought $10 worth of games....knowing that I would be back for more later in the evening....and wanting to pace myself....
I started pulling the tabs, nothing, nope no winner, nada. This really isn't uncommon or surprising. That's why I keep going back for more.
On my second to last game I start noticing these tiny red lines through the pictures. This has got to be a big deal. I just know it!! I start telling D and anyone who would listen that I was a winner. I look to my right and there is Fr. M laughing. I tell him I've won and he promptly tells me that if I have won he obviously had a part in blessing the game and deserves a cut (Don't worry Fr. your cut was in the envelope on Sunday! I promise).
So I start yelling and jumping. I won! I won!
Don't mind the general sweaty-ness of the picture it was H.O.T. and I was flushed from winning! ha!
D is not looking nearly as excited as fact...he doesn't believe me and asks to see my ticket. After checking it out he hands it back shaking his head. uh...D dearest ARE YOU BLIND?? That's a winner.
I was through with these
na sayers and decided to collect my winnings.
I marched up to the guy selling the games and told him that I won. In one quick glance he confirmed!!! : ) my winnings and starting counting up money.
How much money? $103!!! ha!

I was in instant BINGO nirvana.
Luckily H2 was there to capture the events on film. Thanks H2!
In that moment I immediately began making plans for how to spend my winnings. A stand mixer that I had been saving for, a new Vera Bradley, oh! how about a Pandora bead, or some cute overpriced flip flops from Lands End.
In the end my prize money went to pay for bridal shower /father's day gifts and a trip to
Panera with K....BUT it was fun while it lasted!
The moral of this story? Always spend lots of D's money at parish festivals and sit next to your priest while opening Instant BINGO...someday it will pay off!