Thursday, July 1, 2010

wow it's july!!

Welcome to July. This month makes me think of summer picnics, fireworks!, friends, family, and the troops.

In honor of July 4th, D and I are sending care packages to our servicemen and women in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I am incredibly proud and honored to know/love several Marines who have served our great nation while at war. D's cousin J is going back for his 3rd tour of's the kicker...his contract with the Marines is up and he has chosen to continue his service by volunteering for another tour in Afghanistan. I am proud and grateful of he and his family's sacrifice.

D and I chose to donate through You can also send care packages from here. Today Old Navy kicked off a campaign where you can donated an item from the store to the troops and receive 10% off your purchase.

There are plenty of options for giving.

While you are enjoying your hotdogs, beer, and fireworks please take a moment to remember our troops who are fighting for your freedom. Please consider making a donation, sending a card or care package to let them know that they are appreciated and thought of at home.

The men and women who serve our country are HEROS. This 4th of July I will be praying for their continued safety and success.


1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Excuse me. How can you call your blog the Halley Daily when you make me and all of your other fans wait weeks to catch up on your life?! It should be the Halley Every Other Weekly at this pace!! PICK IT UP SISTER.