Friday, November 16, 2012

Remember that one time daddy was stranded in Alaska.....

Danny is STRANDED, STUCK, SNOWED IN in Alaska right now.

Um, I didn't think things like that happened in real life! He was working in a remote location and took a small plane over and when it was time to leave the weather was too inclement to fly out. Being that it is Alaska and people frequently work at this location, and apparently this is common (!?) there is a camp at the location with bunk beds and a cafeteria, so he is safe, and stuck.

Henry and I miss our Danny/daddy. Hopefully the weather clears and he will be home before Sunday...or Monday? In the meantime we are hunkering down with movies and baby toys and wine until our main man come home. ; )

If Henry was going to Alaska this I what he would wear!

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