Thursday, November 10, 2011

keepin' it real

I am so thrilled to be pregnant and am anxiously anticipating the arrival of this little alien.

Sorry sweetheart, you do look like an alien, mama is keeping it real here...

That is our latest ultrasound at 11 weeks 1 day. As compared to 8 weeks 5 days. wonder I am tired! I literally quadrupled that kid in 3 weeks time.

But since we're being real here, pregnancy is not a walk in the park. I have been continually shocked at how tough the first trimester has been. My mom didn't have morning sickness and in theory our pregnancies are supposed to mirror our mothers...ha ha ha NOT MINE! Baby Sullivan is making itself known in a big way at our house...nausea, vomiting, peeing of the pants while vomiting (super graceful my friends), headaches, cramping, abdominal twinges, spotting, food aversions, cravings, the whole gauntlet.

Thankfully there is a light at the end of the tunnel, drumroll please, the second trimester.

The honeymoon phase of pregnancy. I can hear the angels singing! I see the light! It's so so close, but far away! My midwife told me I would cross the threshold into pregnancy bliss at 12 weeks, which is this Sunday. I hear more angels singing! ; )

In all seriousness I love my little alien, whom I think is a little girl after my own bratty little girl heart...causing drama at 11 short weeks in the womb (consider this a public apology to my mother now). Pregnancy and babies are a miracle, corny yes, but true none the less.

For now, Baby Sullivan and I are going to put our feet up and pray for Sunday.


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