Friday, May 21, 2010


D and I are having a little...I mean HUGE....problem with birds. They adore using our patio table as a bathroom. They freaking adore it. Most of you all know that I am not a lover of animals. I appreciate their cuteness from afar but don't want them in my house or to touch them. (I know, I know, that sounds harsh) So these birds are driving me crazy and ruining the finish on our patio furniture.

Yesterday it was sunny and 75 degrees out and I was determined to enjoy my day outside without being bothered or pelted by birds... What did I do? I bought animal repellent (@ Lowes) that claims to repel 19 different kinds of animals, including birds. Perfect. Wrong.

I sprinkled the repellent along the perimeter of my patio. Paying attention to make sure that it was a good 3 feet out. Then I had an asthma attack. Why!? Because that stinkin' (literally) repellent is supposed to cause a safe (ha!) and mild (ha!) irritation in the nose and throats of animals....and apparently me too!!!

What the heck!!! I wasn't planning on hurting the birds, I just didn't want them on my patio!! I mean it PETA people.

I called the company and they told me to immediately hose down the mixture with cold water to "deactivate it" (apparently if you do this soon after laying it down it won't "take root/stick" to the ground and will wash away).

Now I only hope that the stuff doesn't kill the grass.

H2 and I ended up having a lovely lunch outside, where we were both able to breath.

Consider my lesson learned. x10.


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