Friday, October 29, 2010

trick or treat..and halloweeen weekend

Last night was trick or treat and I was pumped!! and then I was deflated when I learned that D would not be home in time to pass out playdoh with me. Yep, playdoh.

So I pouted and mouped and felt very very sorry for myself.

Then the doorbell rang and in front of me stood 5 little trick or little that they forgot what to say. I showed them my big big bowl of playdoh and told them they could pick any color they wanted. One little boy turned back to his mom and yelled "playdoh! playdoh mom! we got playdoh!" and my pouty little heart soared!!

After about an hour of making little kids fist pump the air and jump for joy over my awesome Halloween treats, I packed up and crossed the golf course to go to H2D2's house.

You all....they had more candy than I've ever seen. lots. and. lots. of. candy.

We watched Prom Night, drank some Witches Brew (spiced wine), and they waited for more trick or treaters. I was glad for the company and had never seen the classic? Prom Night.

When I left, I left with half of their leftover candy, which had to be 300 pieces. (Really guys, I feel bad about taking that candy!) I got home just as my family pulled in the driveway and showed them my loot.....THAT lead to watching Greys Anatomy and "passing the candy bowl"(hahahaha!!) so to say.

It was a great great night.


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