Saturday, April 4, 2009


Whew! It is been a long and bumpy 2 weeks! Last time we talked I was my Urgent Care experience. Well, last Saturday I get a phone call from the hospital lab informing me that I have Salmonella, as in peanut butter recall, undercooked chicken Salmonella. Fabulous. Great. Now what?

The doctor puts me on heavy duty antibiotics (seriously, pharmacy print out says the are for the treatment of anthrax exposure ha ha) and has me set up an appointment to come in the next week.

Long story short. I end up back in the ER because of dehydration-again-and now the concern is that I may have Salmonella in my gallbladder which would make me a permanent Salmonella carrier and I would need to have my gallbladder removed. BUT we can't check the gallbladder until next week because it's inflamed.

The good news is that I am slowly improving. My blood work shows this, and physically I am starting to feel better. Slow and Steady.

I will be staying at my parents house for the next week while D is away for work. I am hoping to spend some quality time with family and friends and the tv. : )

I'll keep you posted!

p.s. I had a great time with two of my readers last night (at a fish fry duh!) D&H you guys have a knack for cheering me up! Thanks!

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