Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I having been complaining about insomnia for weeks!

First I wasn't sleeping because I was sick. My gallbladder was throbbing and my belly hurt. Generally I was not a happy camper.

Then it was because of the surgery. I was uncomfortable, couldn't roll over, and hyped up on drugs.

Finally, to top things off the car accident was traumatic. It jarred my back, I still couldn't sleep on my belly because of the surgery and now I had a goose egg on the back of my throbbing head. Not a good sleep situation.

My doctor prescribed multiple medications to help me relax and to induce sleep.


I was still up for an hour or two every night. D loves this trend.... ha ha ha.... not!

But last night, last night, I had the greatest night of sleep I've had in weeks.

What is my secret?

It's not medication. Or lavender oil. Or relaxation techniques.

no, no.

My sleep secret is 2nd graders.

Yesterday I subbed a half day for the class I will be taking over in a few weeks. They. wore. me. out. I was so so tired. So many questions. So many out-bursts. So much of my energy.

Oh well, I guess I'll take sleep any way I can get it. However, today I'm still taking it easy. : )


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