Sunday, July 19, 2009

A fairy tale....gone wrong...

Friday was a douzy. It was one of those days that happen rarely and is/was a comedy of errors.

Once upon a time, there was a happy hostess named Halley. She was happily preparing to entertain guests at the end of a long work week. These guests had just moved to her kingdom and she was looking forward to wowing them with a lovely dinner and introducing them to new friends.

Hostess Halley thought she had her Friday all planned out. She would meet a friend for lunch, touch up her highlights, tidy her home, and prepare a scrumptious dinner. easily. oh poor Hostess Halley. Little did she know that there were numerous forces working against her on that particular Friday..

Lunch was lovely, her highlights were bouncy, she was off to the market to gather her supplies for a scrumptious dinner. Upon arriving at her market of choice, Hostess Halley realized that the chickens were not looking quite right... Hostess Halley decided to visit another market...again the chickens were not quite right. Hostess Halley finally opted to visit the farmers market (which was a bit more expensive) where the chickens were juuust right. She ordered 6 chicken breasts and asked to have them "pounded" into cutlets.

When Hostess Halley arrived home and opened her package of chicken, imagine her surprise, when she found GROUND chicken. "This will not do!" cried Hostess Halley. She loaded up her car and ventured back to the farmers market. "I need chicken cutlets! For the grill! I have $19 worth of chicken that will not do!" She purchased for more chicken breasts to the tune of $12, double checked them, and then hurried home.

Ah! Home sweet home! Time to tidy up. She opted to tackle the bathroom first. While cleaning the commode she accidentally clipped in 4 cleaning wipes instead of 1. While wiping the mirrors she dumped the Windex. When she moved onto the kitchen she moped the floors without any cleaning liquid! oh my!

While preparing the scrumptious dinner Hostess Halley knicked her pointer finger with a large sharp knife. She cut jalapenos without kitchen gloves (causing her fingers to sting and consequently anything her fingers touched-eyes!! tongue, etc-to sting). She went to marinade her chicken and realized she was missing an ingredient!

What is a hostess to do?

Turn up the Spice Girls and some good 'ol Britteny Spears and C H I L L!

The guests ultimately arrived, they ate, they drank, they were merry. The house was tidy. The food was scrumptious. and the guests were unaware of the crazy day that Hostess Halley endured.

The moral of this story is to not let a few....20 of so...mishaps get you down! To wear kitchen gloves when handling jalapenos. and To be specific at the butcher....otherwise you will spend a gargantuan amount of money on chicken and you will have 5lbs of ground chicken breasts without any ground chicken recipes in your repertoire. oops.

The End.



Anonymous said...

Make chicken tacos... chicken burgers (careful not to dry them out)... chicken helper... call me if you need more. :P


Halley said...

ha ha ha

I'm making burgers tonight for dinner, see you after golf!! Hope you enjoy them! I WON'T DRY THEM OUT!
