Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Oh man! What a great way to wake up....

I adore the Duggar family. I watch them every Tuesday night at 9am on TLC. I follow their webcasts on tlc.com. I even check their family websites for news/updates. I love the Dugs (as I affectionately call them).

I just think they are good, joyful, loving, people. Although they are a bit extreme in some of their practices....I think we could all learn something from them. : )

Yay! Dugs!


p.s. It is my ultimate goal to sneak into a homeschool conference and meet the Dugs. I will meet them someday. I am their # 1 fan!

p.p.s. As if my day could not get any better....Diana or D3 just called me and asked me to watch baby Jacob for an hour or so....I love Tuesdays.

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